Desexing operations at the clinic are performed under general anaesthetic, using a sterile technique. Pain relief is always given.
Desexing Male Cats:
Desexing Male Cats:
there isnt much call to neuter before 6 months of age as they are hormonally immature
The procedure involves removing the testicles through one small incision in the scrotum. There are no external stitches and recovery time is very fast. Occasionally, one or both the testicles are retained in the cat’s abdomen and do not appear under the cat’s tail as normal. In this case, the veterinarian has to perform a much more complicated operation to retrieve the testicles. If they are left in the abdomen they can become cancerous.
Once your cat is neutered, he will:
- Be far less likely to fight with other cats, and therefore less likely to receive wounds or abscesses
- Be less likely to wander
- Have urine that doesn't smell as strongly as an unneutered cat’s
- Have less chance of FIV infection (feline aids)
Desexing Female Cats:
Cats are best spayed at 6 months of age as often by 7-8 months they come onto season and quietly get pregnant .
When desexing cats, Dr Chris will make as small an incision as possible in order to reduce recovery time and infection. He removes the ovaries and uterus and sutures everything closed using hidden stitching so your cat can’t pull all of its stitches out.
Unspayed female cats regularly get pregnant and can produce litters of 3-5 kittens, two to three times per year.
Once your cat is spayed she:
- Cannot get pregnant
- Will not call for mates
- Has less chance of FIV infection (feline aids)
- Will not suffer from infection of the uterus (pyometra)
- Has a reduced risk of mammary (breast) cancer
Desexing Male Dogs:
The desexing procedure for male dogs is similar but this is a bigger surgery that requires asepsis and suture techniques to prevent post op bleeding and infection. Stitches are under the skin so hidden so your dog doesnt chew the sutures out.
large breed dogs are best left until maturity before desexing to prevent Cruciate Ligament rupture allowing all ligaments and bones to mature to full strength
Bad male hormonal behaviours can be changed/reduced significantly with an antihormone implant that lasts for 6 months or more . This also sterilises the fertility .
Once your dog is neutered he will:
- Not want to roam or chase female dogs in “heat”
- Be less likely to be aggressive towards other dogs, especially other male dogs
- Have a reduced likelihood of prostate cancer
- Be less likely to mount and mark/urine on everything
Desexing Female Dogs:
The desexing procedure for female dogs is nearly identical , just on a bigger scale , to the procedure for desexing female cats.
small breed females may be recomeneded to delay desexing until mature or post first season to allow the female organs to develop fully an d prevent incontenance or other urinary problems from occurring.
spaying is best done 2 months after a season
Once your dog is spayed she:
- Cannot get pregnant
- Will no longer come into season or on “heat”. This avoids the nuisance of having to keep her away from other dogs and having to clean up bloody discharge.
- Will not suffer from infection of the uterus (pyometra)
- Will have a reduced risk of mammary (breast) cancer
All rabbits, rats, mice, guinea pigs, etc. can be desexed to reduce aggression and prevent population explosions, as well as preventing mammary cancer and uterine complications.
Rabbits get uterine cancer at 3-5 years of age so should be desexed
Female rats just about all get Mammary cancer at 2 years of age if not desexed