Have you ever wondered why there are so many types of pet food available ?.. Well You are what you eat, and as a result many petfood companies make life stage diets – different food mixes for young , adult and senior animals and as well differing size ranges for small , medium and large breed dogs. Multiply this by the 3-4 brands of food we have and you have about 100 odd lines to choose from and then you may have slight flavour differences……….
Younger pets benefit from junior/growth types as they contain higher calories and protein to aid controlled growth (avoid obesity) while having the right mineral balance to aid growing bones and joints.
For adult pets (1-7 years of age) maintenance foods help keep pets healthy and active with diet changes when needed through pregnancy, activity or non activity, Injuries , stress or just fine tuning.
Older pets (>7 years) need senior or geriatric diets ; lower calory to avoid obesity, higher fibre for gut maintenance, with essential oils and nutraceuticals added to maintain immunity, skin and joint function.
Prescription diets are available to help treat a specific problem like Diabetes , Food sensitivities/allergies, Skin trouble, Kidney damage, Urinary problems, Liver disease, Hairball trouble, Dental cleaning diets and more .
Why do I have 3 brands ? When your pet gets bored with a diet type we have an equally superior diet we can change onto . Sometimes food trials are just that; trial and error, as there are no tests for food sensitivities, just good experienced deduction and try again.
Why do I have Premium diets only ; mainly i see a skewed population with health problems, so I use foods like drugs to treat or even prevent a problem. You gan get lower quality and price at the supermarkets, but not necessarily what we need to sort out a problem.