Vaccinations are important to ensure your pet’s health is maintained and that they are protected from a range of viral diseases.
Our recommended vaccination protocol is as follows:
For Puppies:
- First vaccination at 6 weeks old – Nobivac DHPPI which covers Parvovirus, Distemper, Hepatitis and Parainfluenza
- Second vaccination at 9 weeks old (or 3 weeks after 1st vaccination) – Nobivac DHPPI, Nobivac Leptospirosis and Nobivac intranasal KC (Bordetella, canine cough)
- Third Vaccination at 12 weeks old (or 3 weeks after 2nd vaccination) – Nobivac DHPPI and Nobivac Leptospirosis
For Adult Dogs:
Annual boosters of Nobivac leptospirosis and Nobivac intranasal kennel cough, as well as three yearly testing for antibodies to distemper and parvo viruses (Titre testing) .
For kittens:
. First vaccination at 6 weeks old – Nobivac Tricat which covers feline herpes virus (FHV), feline calicivirus (FCV) and feline panleucopaenia virus (FPLV)
- Second vaccination at 9 weeks old ( or 3 weeks after 2nd vaccination) – Nobivac Tricat
- Third vaccination at 12 weeks old (or 3 weeks after 3rd vaccination) – Nobivac Tricat
For Adult Cats:
Yearly booster vaccinations of Nobivac Tricat or Nobivac Ducat are recommended especially for social cats or cattery visiting cats.
The FIV vaccination (feline aids) is optional. FIV require 3 vaccinations 3 weeks apart from each other, then a booster vaccination annually.
Calici virus vaccine is recommended, as the disease is always fatal if your rabbit is unprotected. Vaccination is yearly (after 12 weeks of age) for the first 3-4 years and then once every 3 years or so.